On April 26, 2024, Mr. Oku Haruki, a sixth–year exchange student from Wakayama Medical University, Japan, successfully completed his 4–week elective program with MDKKU’s Department of Emergency Medicine. Professor John F Smith, Division of International Affairs and Corporate Communications, presented him with his certificate.
During his time in the emergency room, Mr. Haruki had the opportunity to train alongside resident doctors. Reflecting on this experience, he shared, “The resident ER doctors taught me the way to use echo and how to listen to the noise of lungs and heart. I gained real practical knowledge of medicine.” This practical hands-on experience also deepened his understanding of emergency medicine.
He also encountered medical cases that he had never seen or experienced in Japan. “I saw a lot of medical cases, not only typical cases, but also rare medical cases for me, such as heat stroke and motorbike accident trauma.”
He also appreciated his social and cultural experience of living and exploring Khon Kaen, and was grateful for the warmth of the community and the warm welcoming of KKU personnel.
In conclusion, Mr. Haruki expressed his deep appreciation for his time in Khon Kaen. “Excellent university! You should come.” The KKU-MD community was delighted to have him as part of our faculty and to contribute to his medical career development.
Reporting by Sathaphorn Onlamun & Kunthida Paiyasen
Editing by Prof. John F Smith