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Cambodian Students from University of Puthisastra on exchange program at Srinagarind Hospital


MD-KKU recently welcomed third-year Associate Degree students from the Medical Laboratory Program at the Faculty of Health Sciences and Biotechnology, University of Puthisastra, Cambodia for an exchange program at Diagnostic Microscopic Laboratory, Srinagarind Hospital between November 24 and December 1, 2023.

They had many clinical learning experiences through the exchange program including a lecture on the structure and operational procedures of the Diagnostic Microscopic Laboratory. They also visited many places such as Specimen Center Unit, Clinical Diagnostic Microscopy Unit, Clinical Diagnostic Chemist and Immunology Unit, Clinical Microbiology Unit, Molecular Unit, Andrology Lab Unit, and Srinagarind Excellent Lab Unit.

On the final day, they gave presentations reflecting on and sharing their experiences. They learned a lot and were challenged during their visit. For instance, studying abroad gave them more independence, learning how self-management is crucial especially time, financial, and task management. However, they faced language barriers. To survive in Thailand, they had to not only practice English but also learn basic Thai communication skills.

Although they were many challenges during the visit, they were very useful learning experiences. They gained new clinical experience and knowledge that can be applied to their future careers as well as practicing foreign language communication skills.



Reporting by Sathaphorn Onlamun

Editing by Prof. John F Smith