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Digital Health Education: What is needed in the 21st century curriculum?


– 60-minute symposium led by Imperial College London’s Dr. Georgina Neve, Dr. Viral Thakerar, Dr. Renee Ewe and MBBS students

Wednesday 24th March at 09:00 GMT / 17:00 SGT


Digital health is rapidly transforming health care, however teaching on digital health in medical schools has not kept up with the pace of change. In this student-led symposium, we will explore what is needed from a 21st century medical curriculum on digital health, to prepare students for clinical practice in digitally driven health systems.

We will present an overview of the current and near future digital health landscape, and examples from the literature of how institutions have integrated digital health in their medical curricula. Students from Imperial College London will then present their vision for a digital health curriculum, covering five digital health themes: prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring. We will then invite questions and discussion in this important and topical area.



Dr. Georgina Neve – Honorary Clinical Research Fellow, Department of Primary Care

Dr. Viral Thakerar – Module Lead for Patients, Communities and Healthcare, Digital Theme Lead for MEdIC

Dr. Renee Ewe – Academic Clinical Fellow in General Practice



Srinivasan, Sarvesh – 5th year Medical Student at Imperial College London

Drmota, Jan – 4th year Medical Student at Imperial College London

Jefferies, Petula – 5th year Medical Student at Imperial College London

Mahmud, Simran – 4th year Medical Student at Imperial College London

Harris, Isaac – 4th year Medical Student at Imperial College London

Ng, Kaa-Yung – 4th year Medical Student at Imperial College London


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