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Khon Kaen Smart Living


The Thai Government has selected Khon Kaen province as one of 7 prototype cities for the Smart City project, together with Phuket, Chiang Mai, Chon Buri, Rayong, Chachoengsao, and Bangkok. The project includes sub-projects, such as, Smart Mobility, Smart Living, Smart Citizen, Smart Economy, Smart Environment, and Smart Governance. Khon Kaen Province is now focusing its attention on Smart Living and Smart Mobility.   Associate Professor Cholatip Pongskul, Department of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, has represented “Khon Kaen Smart Living in Khon Kaen Smart City project.  He says Khon Kaen Smart Living project has 3 main areas including Preventive Healthcare Service, Smart Ambulance, and Health Information Exchange. DEPA (Digital Economy Promotion Agency) Thailand and other government agency confirms the importance of smart living and is now working with Khon Kaen Municipality in the areas of Preventive Healthcare Services and Health Information Exchange.  The transformation will create a citizen health data hub from various sources and process them to predict the state of health for each person. The growing numbers of elderly in Thai society is creating new challenges for the healthcare sector.  Some elderly people live alone and are susceptible to many injuries and illness. The Preventive Healthcare Service is creating monitoring project to track specific patient’s living habits and wellbeing so doctors can track their state of health and respond promptly to any accident that might happen to them.   The Smart Ambulance is a new system that will increase ambulance dispatch efficiency and allow paramedics to do simple diagnosis and relay information back to the hospital in advance of the patient’s arrival. This prototype project is currently being tested at Srinagarind Hospital.  When the project is completed and   implemented country wide, it is anticipated Thai citizen’s health status will increase while health personnel’s workload will decrease.






Written by: Natakon Naowarojna

International Relations Office, Research and International Relations Affairs

Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University