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Overseas Visiting Professor from Spinal Injuries Center JAPAN


On December 8, 2022, the Associate Dean for Research and International Relations Affairs (Associate Professor Wimorat Sriraj, MD), welcomed Dr. Yuichiro Morishita, MD, PhD, Dr. Hiroaki Sakai, MD, PhD, and Dr. Tetsuo Hayashi, MD, PhD, experts from the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Spinal Injuries Center, JAPAN, to our Faculty.




These experts participated in the MDKKU overseas visiting professor program in our Department of Orthopedics between December 7 and 8, 2022.   The visits objectives were 1) To explore future collaborative research possibilities between our two institutions on Spinal Injury Research, and 2) for visitors share academic knowledge as invited speakers at the Spinal injury and spinal cord injury conference organized by our Department of Orthopedics.

On this occasion the Head of Department of Orthopedics (Associate Professor Taweechoke Visanuyothin, MD), also attended this meeting with four other department staff of the Department: Associate Professor Surachia Saejung, MD, Associate Professor Kriangkrai Wittayapairoj, MD, Associate Professor Permsak Paholpak, MD, and, Dr. Kittipong Wittayapairoj, MD.

They discussed on the future development of collaborative-research and clinical skills development projects between the two institutions.

MD-KKU has a policy for promoting international academic standards by supporting Visiting International Faculty through its “Overseas Visiting Professors” administered by International Relations Office.  We would like to express our appreciation to key people involved in these internationalization activities.




Written by Duangsamorn Chankwang

English editing by Professor John F. Smith