MDKKU student representatives to the International Online Summer School on “Advanced Medical Technology”


Mr. Naratiphong Saengrit, Miss Nutlada Muangsongchun and Miss Chatinya Somcharoen, 3rd year Radiological Technology students from the Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, were recently selected to participate in the International Online Summer School entitled “Advanced Medical Technology”.

International Online Summer School, a radiological technology student training program, managed by Faculty of Radiological Technology, Fujita Health University, Japan between August 23-27, 2021, teaches international Advanced Medical Technologies, including; Medical Imaging, AI, Radiation Therapy, Radiation Dosing, Diagnostic Imaging, Applied Radiation Technology and do group working.  Due to the current COVID-19 situation, the International Summer School is online this year.

The Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University congratulates these students for receiving such a learning opportunity.


TropMed Webinar: Glycan microarrays – much-needed tools to unravel microbe-host interactions


We are excited to invite you to join the Tropical Medicine Webinar Series via ZOOM on the topic “Glycan microarrays – much-needed tools to unravel microbe-host interactions” by Dr. Yan Liu, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction, Imperial College London.

Date: July 23, 2021

Time: 3.00 – 4.30 PM (Bangkok Time)

Register now:


Online by ZOOM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 953 2640 2554

Passcode: 290821

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Helminth vaccines: from pre-clinical concepts to human efficacy trials

On June 22, 2021
, the Tropical Medicine Graduate Program, Khon Kaen University held their 3rd Tropical Medicine Webinar on the topic “Helminth vaccines: from pre-clinical concepts to human efficacy trials” expert presenter Professor Alex Loukas, Distinguished Professor Australian Institute of Tropical Health & Medicine, Centre for Molecular Therapeutics James Cook University, Cairns, Australia.

The welcome speech was given by Assistant Professor Sutas Suttiprapa, Director of the Tropical Medicine Graduate Program, KKU-MD, who welcomed the opportunity to learn and share insights about “Helminth vaccines: from pre-clinical concepts to human efficacy trials.”

The presentation explained the Life cycle of Necator americanus, or hookworm. Living in the small intestine, they   attach to the lining of the intestinal wall and suck blood and vitreous from the intestines. The female worm can lay 6000-20000 eggs per day, which are expelled with feces. With appropriate temperature and humidity, the larvae emerge from the egg in 1-2 days, and as first stage larvae, rhabditiform larvae, grow in soil or feces. They then molt into second stage embryo, in 5-10 days, and develop into the third filariform embryo in 5-10 days. These can penetrate   human skin and migrate into the veins, the heart, the lungs, from the lungs, into the esophagus, then the stomach and into small intestines.  Most older hookworms are evicted in one to two years but some can live for many years.

As a possible solution to hookworm infection a vaccine is in testing to increase the number of white blood cells Eosinophilia, which are responsible for preventing helminth infections, allergies, and tissue inflammation. Approximately 450 Eosinophil cells are normally found in the blood. Following vaccination, significant reductions in hamster fluke load has been found.

In conclusions TSPs appear to be good vaccine antigens and gene silencing (RNAi) and preliminary gene knock-out (CRISPR-Cas9) studies suggest that TSPs are essential-lethal phenotypes.

Future helminth vaccine directions

-Assess impact of vaccination on CCA in hamster model

-Explore other oral delivery methods that can be translated for human use (liposomes, chitosan nanoparticles)

-Probe proteome array with sera from protected mammalian hosts (eg. irradiated metacercariae)

-Test multivalent constructs or chimeric antigens




Written by Miss Taksaporn Vongsa-Nga

Mister Adisorn Tadsakorn

Edit by Professor John F Smith

Tissue Engineering in Clinical Research


On April 21, 2021, the third online Joint-Institute Forum (JIF) on the topic of Tissue Engineering in Clinical Research was held in a collaboration between the Departments of Biochemistry, Surgery, and Cholangiocarcinoma Research Institute, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University (MDKKU) ,the Thai National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC) and Department of Pharmacology, UCL School of Pharmacy, University College London, UK.

The welcome speech “Learning and sharing insight of Tissue Engineering in Clinical Research” was given by Dr. Jutarop Phetcharaburanin- Assistant to the Dean for Research and International Relations Affairs, MDKKU.

Following the opening ceremony, there was a talk, Professor James Phillips, Department of Pharmacology, UCL School of Pharmacy, University College London, UK presented on ‘Nervous system tissue engineering and regenerative medicine’ ,‘Multi-Omics of Weight-Loss Surgery’ ,and “CNS tissue engineering and regenerative medicine”, followed by,

Dr. Papon Muangsanit, National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), a member of National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), on ‘Aligned endothelial cell and Schwann cell structures in 3D hydrogel for peripheral nerve tissue engineering’,

Dr. Sinobol Chusilp, Department of Surgery, on ‘Intratumoral Microbiome in Cholangiocarcinoma’,

Dr. Kanokrat Thaiwatcharamas, Department of Surgery, on ‘Intestinal organoid as an ex vivo model to study necrotizing entero-colitis in infants’, and, finally by

Dr. Poramate Klanrit, Department of Biochemistry, on ‘Modeling of Cholangiocarcinoma through three-dimensional (3D) cell culture’.

The webinar spurred knowledge exchange to improve the quality of research and practice in the future.



Written by Miss Taksaporn Vongsa-Nga

A One Health Approach to End Neglected Tropical Diseases


The Tropical Medicine Graduate Program and the Tropical Diseases Research Center (TDRC), Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University jointly organized a Special Webinar on “A One Health Approach to End Neglected Tropical Diseases” by Professor Darren Gray, Head of the Department of Global Health, Australian National University, Acton, Australia, on May 28, 2021.




It highlighted the problem of neglected tropical diseases that affect populations living in poverty and in close contact with disease vectors, such as, animals/livestock, and unclean water sources and poor sanitation.  These provide breeding grounds for pathogens such as Guinea parasites, blood flukes, etc.  Drug treatment are available but the infections can come back again if risky behavior continues.   The One Health approach is required to overcome the impact of tropical diseases. Integrated interventions for disease control are needed to -advance the WHO 2030 roadmap for the control and elimination of NTDs. New holistic evidence-based approaches should combine human, animal, and environmental health practices and disciplines to lead to overall good health. “One Health” approaches are key to overcoming the impact of tropical disease and achieving elimination targets.  A successful Chinese example of a multi-component integrated (One Health) approach is in schistosomiasis control and is now a high priority for the Chinese Government for addressing HIV/AIDs and TB.






Written by Miss Taksaporn Vongsa-Nga

Mister Adisorn Tadsakorn

Edited by  Miss Kanokphorn Hinthao

Professor John Smith 


The 43rd Annual Conference of the Anatomy Association of Thailand (AAT43): First time in online conference format


The 43rd Annual Conference of the Anatomy Association of Thailand (AAT43) ran from 5-7 May 2021, co-hosted and organized by the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, and the Division of Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Khon Kaen University, the Faculty of Medicine, Mahasarakham University, the College of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University and the Anatomy Association of Thailand.   Due to COVID-19 restrictions the conference ran completely online.




Associate Professor Kowit Chaisiwamongkol, President of Anatomy Association of Thailand gave the welcome speech, while Assistant Professor Amnart Chaichun, Chair of the AAT43 Organizing Committee and Head of Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University gave a reporting speech and Associate Professor Dr. Chuchat Kamollerd, Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Khon Kaen University presided over the opening ceremony. The conference had global appeal, attracting over 200 medical staff, anatomists, researchers, and scientists from around the world.





Rapid technological change is affecting every area of anatomic sciences, and the co-hosts aimed to provide a dynamic opportunity for medical practitioners, anatomists, researchers, and scientists to share knowledge on the latest developments and future directions and explore potential collaborative opportunities.  The program included lectures, symposia, interactive technical seminars, panel discussions, oral and poster presentations.

This conference heard online specialist lectures from experts such as, Associate Professor S Thameem Dheen, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Professor Dr. Allan Pracey, University of Sheffield, UK, Professor Dr. Friedrich Paulsen, Friedrich–Alexander University Erlangen–Nürnberg, Germany, Professor Dr. Tracey Wilkinson, University of Dundee, UK and Associate Professor Kanokpan Wongprasert, Mahidol University, Thailand.







Written by Yada Lertkhajornsak

Edited by John Smith


First Joint-Institute Forum: Metabolome-Microbiome in Clinical Research


On April 21, 2021, the Departments of Biochemistry, Surgery, and the Clinical Epidemiology Unit, and Cholangiocarcinoma Research Institute, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University (MDKKU) organized the first online Joint-Institute Forum (JIF) 1/2021 on the topic ‘Metabolome-Microbiome in Clinical Research’.

The welcome speech was given by Dr. Jutarop Phetcharaburanin- Assistant to the Dean for Research and International Relations Affairs, MDKKU “It is such a great opportunity to learn and share insights of metabolome and microbiome in several disease models and update on the advances of modern research methodologies that can be employed in the omics science for everyone”.

Following the opening ceremony, there was a talk by international expert Dr. Jia Li, Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, UK on ‘Multi-Omics of Weight-Loss Surgery’, followed by,

Dr. Jutarop Petcharaburanin, Department of Biochemistry, on ‘Fecal Metabolome-Microbiome Panel Biomarkers in Cancer’,

Associate Professor Watcharin Loilome, Department of Biochemistry, on ‘Intratumoral Microbiome in Cholangiocarcinoma’, and, finally by

Dr. Kanokrat Thaiwatcharamas, Department of Surgery, on ‘Microbiome and Metabolome in Hirschsprung’s Disease’.

The first Joint-Institute Forum was successfully held with 129 participants from the educational and industrial sectors around the world.








Written by Kanokphorn H.

Edited by John Smith


KKU holds a Spring Virtual Global Health Experience (Pilot Program) together with USAC and Clemson University Projects, USA


On March 15-19, 2021 International Affairs organized the Spring Virtual Global Health Experience (Pilot program not-for-credit) in cooperation with University Study Abroad Consortium (USAC) and Clemson University, United State of America. The program was led by Asst. Prof. Acharawan Topark-Ngarm, Assistant to the President for International Affairs, together with the faculty members from the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dentistry, the Faculty of Nursing, and the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences There were 14 Khon Kaen University students and 12 Clemson University students participating in this program.

On 15 March the topic was the Overview of Public Healthcare in Thailand, lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Supatra Chadbunchachai, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. The second topic was Thailand’s Health System by Dr. Sauwanan Bumrerraj, MD, Faculty of Medicine.

On March 16 is the second day of the program starting with a lecture by Assist. Prof. Pattapong Kessomboon, Faculty of Medicine, about Primary Health Care and examples of primary care units in Khon Kaen. The second topic was Primary Health Care and Health Promotion and Prevention by Assist. Prof. Dr. Juraporn Tangpukdee, Faculty of Nursing. Moreover, the nursing students shared their knowledge about individual care patient care and community care.

On March 17, Assist. Prof. Dr. Teekayu Plangkoon Jorns from the Faculty of Dentistry gave a lecture on the topic of Oral Health Care in Thailand. There was also a lecture about community dentistry and dental education in Thailand by a 6th year student from the Faculty of Dentistry. The second lesson was Thai Traditional Medicine and Thai Herbs by Assist. Prof Dr. Srisomporn Preprame from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

On March 18 began the lesson by Assist. Prof. Acharawan Topark-Ngarm, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the topic about Community Pharmacist in Thailand. It also describes the role of Pharmacists in drugstores. An example of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention was shared by Ms. Nadthatida Hansuri, a pharmacist from Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

The last day of the program was an activity for both Khon Kaen University students and Clemson University students to share their visions, presented what they have learnt the past four days, and reflected their knowledge from the programs. The lecturers joined the activity to give feedback and reflect on the students learning outcomes.

The Spring Virtual Global Health Experience (Pilot program not-for-credit) is a short-term online teaching and learning pilot course which was highly successful. Following this first performance, Khon Kaen University plans to expand to virtual courses in different fields including academic activities such as training of professional experiences (internship), exchange program, training program, and mobility program etc.




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Srinagarind Hospital will host the University Hospital Network (UHOSNET) 75th conference in April 2021

Warming up ! Khon Kaen 2021

As per traditional UHosNet Protocal, the ceremony featured presentation “UHosNetKKU” by Srinagarind Hospital the following host of the forthcoming UHosNet Meeting. UHosNet 75th will be Hosted by Srinagarind Hospital Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University April 29-30, 2021




Associate Professor Apichat Jiravuttipong, MD, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, was honored to co-preside over the ceremony of the official handover of the UHosNet flag from Naresuan University Hospital Director to Srinagarind Hospital Director








Associate Professor Songsak Kiatchoosakun, MD, Director, Srinagarind Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University and administrator, officially received the UHosNet flag from Professor Sirikasem Sirilak, MD, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Naresuan University and Acting for Naresuan University Hospital Director, December 4, 2020. As the Naresuan University Hospital was the host for the UHOSNET 74th Meeting held on December 3-4, 2020 at Top land Plaza Hotel, Phitsanulok Province Srinagarind Hospital will host the University Hospital Network (UHOSNET) 75th: conference in April 29-30, 2021






International Conference Regarding the Use of Cannabis for Medical Purpose


The Faculty of Medicine together with Palliative Care Center, Srinagarind Hospital, had held International Conference on “How to Set up Medical Cannabis Clinic within Supportive and Palliative Care Centers and Cannabis in Oncology and Palliative Care” at Science Museum Park, Khon Kaen.

Thailand had just released the bill that allows cannabis to be use for medical purpose together with Thai health department have issued a suggestion that every hospital should have a clinic that takes care of cannabis case. But soon, there is a shortage of human resources with enough knowledge to operate this clinic.

For this reason, Khon Kaen University and Srinagarind Hospital had to cooperate with Sante Cannabis and McGill University, Canada, to set up this international conference and invite nearby hospital personal to join.  Associate Professor Antonio Vigano, Department of Oncology and Medicine and Ms. Virginie Bacis, Nurse Coordinator Medical Cannabis Program, McGill University Health Centre, Canada who were well-known experts on medical cannabis were the speakers of the conference. Associate Professor Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, President of Khon Kaen University had presided over the opening ceremony and delivered a special lecture on KKU cannabis policy. The conference was a success with over 300 participants from various health organizations.

In addition, McGill University and Khon Kaen University agreed to work together in research projects and cannabis clinic establishment. Professor Srivieng Pairojkul, Head, Palliative Care Center, Srinagarind Hospital; Professor Pewpan Maleewong, Assistant to the President for Research and Academic Services and Professor Thidarut Boonmars, Vice President for Innovation and Enterprise were the main coordinator in developing academic and research collaboration with McGill University.



Reported by: Natakon Naowarojna, International Relations Officer