YNU Spring Program 2022 Call for Applications


Yokohama National University is delighted to announce that YNU Spring Program 2022 will be held from Tuesday, February 8 to Thursday, February 10, 2022.

All the details can be obtained from the flyer attached herewith and the URL below:

The participants will enjoy the variety of categories in this program such as the introduction to Japanese culture, a virtual tour to Japan, the seminar on the Global Environment involved in UNESCO projects where participants will work in groups themselves and the opportunities to interact with YNU students.

All the sessions will be held in English basically and some Japanese as well.


Contact: International Education Division
Address: 79‐8, Tokiwadai, Hodogayaku,
Yokohama 240‐8501 JAPAN
E‐mail: kokusai.shien@ynu.ac.jp

World Hearing Day 2021 Department of ENT MD-KKU


MD-KKU students were actively involved in World Hearing Day 2021 activities


Master of Science (Communication Disorder) students, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, produced short videos on hearing loss signs and symptoms in both children and older people to raise the awareness of hearing loss and encourage people to seek medical services in their area.  They also produced leaflets on newborn hearing screening, including how to access hearing services in the area.  Policy makers also sponsored a newborn hearing screening pilot project.

This ENT Department pilot program helps to screen and detect the hearing ability of newborns throughout the whole Health Region 7 area, and is separated from the hospital screening program for hearing loss only.

Those activities were reported in WHO website https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/world-hearing-day-2021—report-of-activities


International Conference on Health and Well-Being (ICHWB2021) 20-21 December 2021


International Conference on Health and Well-Being (ICHWB) 2021 invites all potential authors from universities, industries and business sectors to submit papers in the areas of medicine, dentistry, food, nutrition and health, public health, health services, nursing and physiotherapy. This conference is part of a conference program called International Summit on Science Technology and Humanity (ISETH) 2021 Organized by Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.



“Enhancing health literacy and capacity for better lives”



Prof. Keith Hill
(Monash University, Australia)
Theme: “Promoting digital literacy and active ageing for senior citizens
Dr. Htoo Kyaw Soe
(Manipal University College Malaysia (MUCM), Malaysia)
Theme: “Medical Students’ Perspective of Health Literacy
Prof. Miao-Fen Yen, Ph.D.
(National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
Theme: “Trajectory of Health Literacy among Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease


Focus and Scope

– Medicine
– Dentistry
– Food, Nutrition and Health
– Public Health and Community Services
– Nursing and Health Services
– Physiotherapy


Conference Fee(s)

Participant CategoryOverseasIndonesian
General Presenter40 USD500,000 IDR
Undergraduate Student10 USD200,000 IDR
Non-Presenters5 USD100,000 IDR


Publication Fee(s)

The selected papers will be charged additional publication fee as much as in table below.

Publication CategoryOverseasIndonesian
Atlantis Press Conference Proceedings150 USD2,000,000 IDR
ISSN ProceedingsIncluded in Conference FeeIncluded in Conference Fee


For further information, please visit https://ichwb.ums.ac.id/2021/

Conference brochure

International Priority Graduate Program (IPGP) of Mie University Graduate School of Medicine


Mie University is providing scholarships from the Japanese Government (MEXT or MONBUSHO Scholarship).

Academic Fields of Medical Sciences

  • Department of Basic Medical Sciences (Research Fields)
  1. 幹細胞発生学 Stem Cell and Developmental Biology
  2. 統合薬理学 Integrative Pharmacology
  3. 分子病態学 Molecular Pathobiology & Cell Adhesion Biology
  4. 法医法科学 Forensic Medicine and Sciences


  • Department of Clinical Medical Sciences (Research Fields)
  1. 皮膚科学 Dermatology
  2. 脳神経外科学 Neurosurgery
  3. 形成外科学 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  4. リハビリテーション医学 Rehabilitation Medicine


The amount of the monthly stipend for FY 2022 has not been determined. For your information, the amount for FY 2021 was as follows:


(1) Monthly stipend:

Doctoral course 145,000 yen per month (reference)

(2) Payment period:

Doctoral course From October 2021 to September 2025

The deadline for the submission of applications is December 15, 2021.

Application Guidelines for the International Priority Graduate Program (PGP) Starting in October 2022

Academic Fields of Medical Sciences

For further information, please contact Ms. Pawinee Khamlar, International Relations Officer, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University at intermed@kku.ac.th or 043-363491

Panel Discussion: Co-production & Co-design for Medical Education



Panel Discussion: Co-production & Co-design for Medical Education



Led by Professor Glenn Robert and Dr Sara Donetto, King’s College London


Wednesday 01 December

09:00 UK / 17:00 Singapore

90 minutes

Microsoft Teams


Join us for the next online session in the Digital Transform MedEd series, jointly hosted by Imperial College London and LKCMedicine

In the context of healthcare improvement work, co-production and co-design involve staff working in genuine partnership with health service users to design and enable better healthcare. This session will take the format of an interactive Q+A session in which the panel will:

(a) share their expertise and insights in bringing co-production and co-design to the field of healthcare improvement, and

(b) explore with attendees the potential value and challenges of adopting these approaches in the design and practice of medical education.

The session will be led by:

Professor Glenn Robert

Chair in Healthcare Quality & Innovation, Faculty Vice Dean (Research & Impact) and Head of the Division of Methodologies, King’s College London

Dr Sara Donetto

Senior Lecturer, Division of Methodologies, King’s College London


Dr Wing May Kong

Consultant Endocrinologist, LNWUH NHS Trust and Head of Ethics and Law, School of Medicine, Imperial College London

Mr Emmanuel Tan

Assistant Dean, Student Wellbeing, LKCMedicine

Register to receive a link to join this event via Microsoft Teams

Register for free here

Accepting Applications! Virtual Research Training Program (VRTP) in Precision Medicine


Available as a four or eight-week program, the VRTP provides training in the principles and procedures of the evolving field of Precision Medicine. The VRTP is facilitated entirely online by the Office of International Medicine Programs (IMP) at the George Washington University’s School of Medicine and Health Sciences (GW SMHS) and instructed by IMP Research Director Fernando Vidal-Vanaclocha, MD, Ph.D.

The VRTP is available to GW SMHS students for academic credit, and international medical students and recent graduates (IMGs) are eligible to apply! If approved by their university, non-GW SMHS international medical students can potentially earn academic credit.


View the full brochure here!

Contact IMP at impinfo@gwu.edu with any questions.

Four-week VRTP: January 3 – 29, 2022

Participants of the four-week VRTP are typically medical students within a year or two of graduation and recent medical graduates. Prior clinical experience is helpful to understand the VRTP lectures, class discussions, and ongoing translational research used as case studies in the course.

Program Fee: $2,000

To apply, submit the following by December 10, 2021, at the link/button below.

  • Copy of CV
  • Copy of government-issued ID
  • A one-page objective statement explaining your research experience, interests, and goals for participating in the VRTP


Eight-week VRTP: June 6 – August 5, 2022

Prior clinical experience is not required. In addition to weekly lectures, readings, and class discussions, Dr. Vidal-Vanaclocha will match students with another research faculty mentor to support ongoing translational research over the summer through literature reviews, data analysis interpretation, and pathways for potential clinical application.

Program fee: $3,500



The first time in Thailand – KKU medical specialists successfully perform an umbilical cord surgery of abnormal twins pregnancy


Pregnancy of acardiac twins (twin-reversed arterial perfusion sequence) is an abnormality considered a severe case because of the disorder of the twins’ arteries, leading to abnormal development of the babies, i.e., only lower organs grow while no growth develops for the upper trunk and head. The blood from the decently developed fetus will transfer itself to nurture the disorderly growing fetus, leading to heart failure and eventually death of both.



Asst. Prof. Kiattisak Kongwattanakul, M.D., a specialist of the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University revealed that treatment of such case necessitates ablation of the abnormal umbilical artery of one baby in order save the other baby. The surgery needs a specialist and advanced equipment. It is the first time at Srinagarind Hospital and the first time in Thailand for this ablation for cord coagulation. The outcome is saving the babies from heart failure and allowing future pregnancy of the mother.

November 11, 2021 – a team of specialists of Srinagarind Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, consisting of Asst. Prof. Kiattisak Kongwattanakul, M.D. and Asst. Prof. Ratana Khamwilaisak, M.D., from the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, with Doctor Anucha Ahuya, M.D., a specialist in body interventional radiology, Department of Radiology and Doctor Monsicha Somjit, M.D., a specialist of the Department of Anesthesiology; and the nurse team from the delivery room, performed the surgery on the case by microwave ablation for cord coagulation. The mission was a complete success! The mother is now under rehabilitation while the babies are taken very close care of. It is the first time ever in Thailand!

The equipment and tools have been procured for this purpose from the Social Security Unit of Srinagarind Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, KKU, which cost 30,000 baht.






Support content : https://www.kku.ac.th/12232

Oversea visiting professor program MD-KKU Tropical Medicine Webinar Series 2021


We extended deep thanks to the following international presenters for their valued contributions to our series;

  • Professor Jong-Yil Chai, Seoul National University
  • Professor Darren Gray, the Australian National University
  • Professor Alex Loukas, James Cook University
  • Dr. Yan Lui, Imperial College London
  • Professor Lydia Leonardo, University of Philippines
  • Professor Russell Stothard, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine



Assistant Professor Sutas Suttiprapa, PhD


Tropical Medicine Graduate Program (International Program),

Academic Affairs, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Srinagarind Hospital’s Telemedicine Service supports equal access healthcare


Under WHO Global Agenda and Thailand’s Constitutional Law every patient has the rights to receive basic medical care.  Srinagarind Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University Telemedicine Service helps to meet this right, especially, during the travel and social restriction periods associate with COVID-19 pandemic.

Associate Professor Apichat Jiravuttipong, MD, Dean of Faculty of Medicine, encourages our hospital to use digital age of communication services to increase people’s health care access during this COVID-19 crisis and social distancing and travel restriction requirements, telemedicine services can help reduce hospital services’ crowding, and reach out into the community via, its medicine postal delivery functions.

The pandemic situation is a catalyst for all sectors to adopt   innovative technology that makes a difference, in reducing infection risk and clinic waiting times, and decreases travel and health care access expenditure stress.

Our specialist doctors can provide long-distance telemedicine consultation for patients and district and community health services.

This online service is increasingly popular from the SMC, Srinagarind Hospital.  For more information, please contact Special Medical Center (SMC), Line ID: @925lcmck

Another key best practice of telemedicine option is “Postal medicine delivery” which has received high customer satisfaction ratings.  Both Professor Songsak Kiatchoosakun, MD, Director of Srinagarind Hospital, and Deputy Director Professor Somsak Tiamkao, MD, support and encourage the “Postal medicine delivery” approach to

decrease COVID-19 infection risk and improve patient services.


Patients registered under, either;

  • Thailand Social Security Scheme, or
  • Thailand Government or State Enterprise Office & Local Government Office Scheme,

have no need to come to hospital to receive.


Criteria for using Medicine Postal Delivery Scheme:

1)  Patient with stable illness status, has uses same medicine and dose, continuously for at least 6 months, without complication; 2) Medicine which is not dangerous, and will not deteriorate during the delivery.  Medicines not eligible for postal delivery are; strictly controlled medicines such as chemotherapy drugs, those that require chilled or low temperature storage, and psychoactive drugs; 3) Patients must register for this “Postal medicine delivery” program prior to their medicine running out.  Please register via LINE Official: @247tktko