Within the construction industry as their overdraft


Majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour or good day randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything make embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.

Consulting represents success at realizing the company is going in the wrong direction. The only time the company fails is when it is not possible to do a turnaround anymore. We help companies pivot into more profitable directions where they can expand and grow. It is inevitable that companies will end up making a few mistakes; we help them correct these mistakes.


Majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour or good day randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything make embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.


Suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour or good day randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything make embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.

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“Cognition-based coaching and consulting approach, we facilitate your business growth from small to size from mid-size to global or from crisis to success.
Ruko Bendo
Business Owner

Medical Education Transforms to Online during COVID-19


On May 9, 2020, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University through Khon Kaen University Medical Student Association, hosts the First International Webinars entitled ‘Medical Education in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic: Student Perspectives’.  Speakers are medical students from 4 universities and countries: Mr. Sam Lin, 4th-year medical student, Chang Gung University School of Medicine, Taiwan; Miss Fontong Katato, 4th-year medical student, Sun Yat – Sen University of Medicine Sciences, PR. China; Miss Alexa Dzienny, 3rd-year medical student, The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, USA and Miss Chantarateera Pholvivat, 5th-year medical student, Khon Kaen University, Thailand.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, our usual practices of medical education have been disrupted at an unprecedented pace and scale. The clinical rotations are suspended for medical students and the face-to-face teaching has been changed

to virtual platforms. The medical students are facing difficulties and stressful times that have arisen due to the widespread effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The alternative effective teaching strategies and safest education in supporting and enhancing medical students’ education is online teaching.  “4th– and 5th-year medical students study from home solely while 6th– year medical students study and work in the hospital”, Chantarateera said.  Same as Taiwan, Sam said “lecture classes held online but he has small group classes”.  Meanwhile none of the medical students are allowed to remain at the hospital in China and the US.  Chinese Professors do bedside-teaching via video calls so that medical students can appreciate real situations.  Chantarateera, Fontong and Alexa are satisfied with the online teaching and understand that it is the rationale due to the inevitable situation of COVID-19 but Sam goes against.  He desires to study with his classmates who drive and motivate him to study.  However, all speakers agreed, online classes have some limitations while bedside teaching with patients in wards offers essential opportunity to acquire practical and clinical skills.

Written by: Miss Thanjira Sumanont, 5thyear medical student

Edited by: Dr. Jutarop Phetcharaburanin, Miss Duangsamorn Chankwang and Miss Kanokphorn Hinthao, International Relations Division, Research and International Relations Affairs, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University



Webinar Conferrance: Educator Challenge during Outbreak


ฝ่ายวิชาการ​คณะแพทยศาสตร์​ มหา​วิทยาลัย​ขอนแก่น​ ร่วมกับคณะ​แพทยศาสตร์​ โรงพยาบาล​รามาธิบดี​ มหาวิทยาลัย​มหิดล
ขอ​เชิญ​อาจารย์​และผู้สนใจทุก​ท่าน​ เข้าร่วมประชุม​
International Medical ​Education​ Webinar

Topic: International Experiences: Challenges in Undergraduate Medical Education during the COVID-19 Outbreak

Speakers : UK, Netherlands, Japan, Thailand

Time: วันพุธ​ที่​ 15​ เมษายน​ 2563​ เวลา 20.00 น.​ (เวลาประเทศไทย)​

Join Zoom Meeting


Brief Discussion for Future Research Collaboration


Mr. Vira Kchorng from Regional Training Center for Health, Cambodia; Mrs. Sahar Ahmed Dewedar Abdou Elbassiuny, from the Faculty of Medicine, Ain shams University, Egypt; Mr. Manaseh Asser Bocha, from Ministry of Health representing Mount Kenya University and Jomo kenyatta University of Agricultural, Kenya; Mr. Abdullahi Muse Ahmed, from Jazeera University, Somalia and Ms. Islam Alsser Mhjob Salih, from Ministry of Health, Sudan, visited the Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University to attend the international training on “Tropical Medicine, Community Health Care and Research” during 25 February – 16 March 2020.

On March 16, 2020 Dr. Jutarop Phetcharaburanin, Assistant Dean for International Relations and Cooperation Strategies, and Assistant Professor Isaraporn Thepwongsa, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs welcomed and discussed with them the possibility of MOU establishment and details for the research collaborative plans as well as the staff and student exchange program. Assistant Professor Isaraporn Thepwongsa who was a lecturer of Department of Community Medicine was the main coordinator in hosting the international training on “Tropical Medicine, Community Health Care and Research” and initiating the research collaboration with above institutions.



Reported by: Natakon Naowarojna, International Relations Officer


Shimane University visited Khon Kaen University

Professor Junji Suzumiya, Department Oncology-Hematology, Shimane University, Japan and other delegates visited Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University between 9 –13 February 2020 to give special lectures on pathology, adult and pediatric hematology, and pharmacology.

Associate Professor Supat Sinawat, Associate Dean for International Relations and Cooperation Strategies and Professor Yukifumi Nawa, Invited Professor and Consultant,
Tropical Diseases Research Centre welcomed and discussed with them about ongoing research collaboration and staff exchange program in pediatric hematology between the Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University and Shimane University.


Delegates included:

  1. Professor Junji Suzumiya, Shimane University Hospital, Department Oncology-Hematology
  2. Professor Kazuo Oshimi, Kushiro Central Hospital
  3. Professor Takeshi Taketani, Department of Pediatrics, Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
  4. Dr. Ayako Muramatsu, Department of Hematology, Japan Red Cross, Kyoto Daiichi Hospital
  5. Dr. Chihiro Matama, Department of Pediatrics, Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
  6. Dr. Rika Kan, Shimane University Hospital, Department Oncology-Hematology
  7. Dr. Rikako Okamura, Department of Pediatrics, Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
  8. Dr. Sarasa Tahara, Department of Pediatrics, Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
  9. Dr. Toru Hayashi, Department of Clinical Laboratory, Breastopia Miyazaki Hospital



Reported by: Natakon Naowarojna, International Relations Officer


A Collaborative Project with Chulabhorn Royal Academy


On January 29, 2020, the agreement signing ceremony of the collaborative research project between Chulabhorn Royal Academy and Srinagarind Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University was held at Srinagarind Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University in order to research cancer treatment with heavy-particle and create treatment center. The agreement was signed by Associate Professor Apichat Jiravuttipong, Director, Srinagarind Hospital and Professor Bowornsilp Chowchuen, Vice Principal HRH Princess Chulabhorn College of Medical Science, Chulabhorn Royal Academy.

On this occasion, Mr. Somsak Jangtrakul, Khon Kaen Province Governor; Associate Professor Songsak Kiatchoosakun, Acting Dean for the Faculty of Medicine; and Mrs. Duangporn Srijorn, Senior Honorary Consultant for Protocol, Culture, and International Relations were presented as the witness for the ceremony.  The collaborative research project was aimed to increase the efficiency and reduce the cost for treatment as well as to increase the human resource quality.





Reported by: Natakon Naowarojna, International Relations Officer


Negotiation for Cooperation in Emergency Medicine with University of Tsukuba and JICA, Japan


The delegates from University of Tsukuba and JICA, Japan visited the Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University on January 17, 2020 in order to discuss about research collaboration and training program in emergency medicine for Laotian doctors and medical staff. The delegates included Mr. Akio Endo, Deputy Director, Partnership Program Division, JICA Tsukuba Center;  Dr. Takaaki Suzuki, Deputy Chief, International Medical Center, University of Tsukuba; Professor Ichikawa Masao, Department of Global Public Health, University of Tsukuba; and Professor Junji Nishida, President, Japan Research Institute for Social System.

In this occasion, Associate Professor Apichat Jiravuttipong, Director of the Srinagarind Hospital, Associate Professor Supat Sinawat, Associate Dean for International Relations and Cooperation Strategies; Dr. Pariwat Phungoen, Deputy Head, Department of Emergency Medicine, Dr. Kamonwon Ienghong, Department of Emergency Medicine; and Dr. Korakot Apiratwarakul, Department of Emergency Medicine, welcomed the delegates and joined the discussion.  During the discussion, Mr. Akio Endo presented the information of JICA partnership program and the Make SAFER project. The University of Tsukuba in cooperation with JICA aimed to send the Laos doctors and medical personal to be trained at the Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University in order to develop emergency medical care in Lao PDR



Reported by: Natakon Naowarojna, International Relations Officer


International Conference Regarding the Use of Cannabis for Medical Purpose


The Faculty of Medicine together with Palliative Care Center, Srinagarind Hospital, had held International Conference on “How to Set up Medical Cannabis Clinic within Supportive and Palliative Care Centers and Cannabis in Oncology and Palliative Care” at Science Museum Park, Khon Kaen.

Thailand had just released the bill that allows cannabis to be use for medical purpose together with Thai health department have issued a suggestion that every hospital should have a clinic that takes care of cannabis case. But soon, there is a shortage of human resources with enough knowledge to operate this clinic.

For this reason, Khon Kaen University and Srinagarind Hospital had to cooperate with Sante Cannabis and McGill University, Canada, to set up this international conference and invite nearby hospital personal to join.  Associate Professor Antonio Vigano, Department of Oncology and Medicine and Ms. Virginie Bacis, Nurse Coordinator Medical Cannabis Program, McGill University Health Centre, Canada who were well-known experts on medical cannabis were the speakers of the conference. Associate Professor Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, President of Khon Kaen University had presided over the opening ceremony and delivered a special lecture on KKU cannabis policy. The conference was a success with over 300 participants from various health organizations.

In addition, McGill University and Khon Kaen University agreed to work together in research projects and cannabis clinic establishment. Professor Srivieng Pairojkul, Head, Palliative Care Center, Srinagarind Hospital; Professor Pewpan Maleewong, Assistant to the President for Research and Academic Services and Professor Thidarut Boonmars, Vice President for Innovation and Enterprise were the main coordinator in developing academic and research collaboration with McGill University.



Reported by: Natakon Naowarojna, International Relations Officer