Medical Student Potential Development Project (MedMind KKU)

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Changes in contemporary society and families have had immense impacts on lifestyles, adjustments, and mental health. Particularly, medical students could have accumulated stress from study, unachieved academic performance, and other problems or factors, including   family, social, personal, and economic issues. These could also include interpersonal issues, which affects mental health of students and in turn reflects on their academic achievement.



Recent statistical data shows mental health problems among medical students are increasing. The number of medical students who received mental health therapy in 2018 and 2019 increased by 1.57 and 1.92 times over 2017, respectively. The Division of Academic Affairs, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University is therefore initiating the MedMind KKU project to address the mental health problems of students in the faculty via early detection and early management.



Project objectives

  1. To provide counseling assistance for mental health problems and self-management for students in the faculty.
  2. To strengthen knowledge about mental health for students and relevant personnel (adviser, administrative personnel).



Service Model

  1. Individual counselling and therapy by psychiatrists and psychologists for students with mental health difficulties and academic pressure.
  2. Counselling in partnership with family for students with complicated problems or repeated academic hardships.
  3. Integration with teaching and learning processes by opening new course “Life management” for medical and other students.
  4. Networking and engagement with students—e.g., encouraging medical students to participate in early detection and submitting articles to share their life experiences.
  5. Development of e-leaning course “counselling” for instructors.   





Access to services

Students will be able to directly contact the staff of MedMind KKU. In addition, the service can be provided for students on recommendation and referral by advisers; and by proactive search based on academic performance of medical students.


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